Linda Bigness- encaustic and oil paintings influenced by music’s emergent patterns; created with subtle nuances of color and found materials
Todd Conover- folded, pierced, stone set and chainworked sculpture and jewelry; based on a strong craft tradition from centuries old metalsmithing techniques
Amy Bartell- gouache and drawing combine to investigate organic forms; archaeology of place and time presented as formal portraits
Opening Reception- Friday, Nov. 7 6:00-8:00 PM
Exhibit Dates- Nov. 1 – Jan. 2, 2015

John Fitzsimmons – skyscape oil paintings contemplating issues of mortality
Rob Glisson – landscape oil paintings portraying abstract realism through poetic strokes of color
John Lombardi – abstracted figurative stone sculpture
Heather Hennigan – mixed media jewelry
Opening reception Friday Sept. 12 6:00-8:00 PM
Exhibit dates – Sept.12 -Oct. 24, 2014

A juried exhibit of participants of the Open Figure Drawing group celebrating their 25th anniversary
Opening reception Friday Aug. 15 6:00-8:00 PM
Exhibit dates: Aug.15 – Sept. 5, 2014

Reginald Adams exhibits his many talents with paintings, sculptures, mobiles, furniture and more
Caroline Tauxe displays her colorful mixed media jewelry
Opening Reception Friday, June 27, 6:00-8:00 PM
Exhibit dates June 27-August 8, 2014

Marna Bell: Four photography series eliciting imagery of memories
Chris Irick:Internationally recognized jeweler exhibiting her series referencing machinery
Jonathan Kirk: British born sculptor who utilizes forms from the Industrial Revolution, combining abstraction with narrative
Opening reception: Friday May 9 6:00-8:00 PM
Sponsored by Koenig and Selzer Asset Management
Exhibit Dates: May 9 – June 20, 2014