Linda Bigness- Abstract oil paintings from her urbanscape and musical notes series
Tom Huff- Soapstone and alabaster sculpture
Jerome Durr- Freestanding glass sculpture
Opening reception: May 13,2011 6:00 – 8:00PM
Exhibit Dates: May 13 – June 24, 2011
High schools within a 30 mile radius of Syracuse are invited to display seniors’ artwork and have them juried by the CNY Art Guild
Exhibit Dates:April 15 – May 6,2011

Diana Godfrey- mixed media pastels and acrylic paintings
Carmel Nicoletti- bronze reliefs and glass works
Exhibit Dates: Feb.25- April 8,2011

Five artists who approach the figure in creative and unique ways
(in order of appearance on above image)
Scott Estelle: bronze sculpture
John Fitzsimmons: oil painting
Vincent Fitches: oil painting
Stephen Ryan: watercolor painting
Gail Hoffman: bronze and aluminum sculpture
Exhibit Dates: Jan.7-Feb.18 2011

The sculpture of Arlene Abend – representing over 30 years of creating in resin, bronze and steel
accompanied by a viewing of “Stretching Boundaries- Life Work of Arlene Abend” , a documentary by Courtney Rile and Mike Barletta of Daylight Blue Media Group
Exhibit Dates: Nov.5 – Dec.31, 2010